Use EZSurv GNSS Post-Processing software to play back your RTK survey for QA control, to make corrections to non-RTK GNSS field data or to significantly improve GIS data accuracy. EZSurv is a reliable and effortless solution that allows seamless data post-processing between different GNSS receiver native formats. This real value-added step can be easily integrated into your current RTK process or your GIS data integration loop.
EZSurv is an open solution that processes GPS as well as Glonass signals from different types of receiver brands. It is compatible with industry standard data collection software.
As in RTK mode, EZSurv can either use your own base station data or automatically connect to different base station providers. This flexibility allows you to retrieve the closest base station data required to compute accurate rovers’ positions in post-mission.
EZSurv can also generate OminiStar/WADGPS/StarFire equivalent point positioning accuracy (Precise Point Positioning) by using post-mission precise orbit and clock data calculated by different international agencies.
EZSurv is available in different versions depending on your receiver type (single/dual frequency and GPS/Glonass) and the accuracy level that you require.
GNSS Satellite Availability Viewer supports mission planning functionality.